Denton Mills
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For owners and residents of Denton Mills

descriptionSouthern External Door fails to open from the outside EmptySouthern External Door fails to open from the outside

Southern External Door fails to open from the outside.

It is okay exiting the building using this door.

Noted on 24-Dec-2022

descriptionSouthern External Door fails to open from the outside EmptyRe: Southern External Door fails to open from the outside

Door reported to be working as at Thursday 29-dec-2022

descriptionSouthern External Door fails to open from the outside EmptyRe: Southern External Door fails to open from the outside

Reported as faulty again as of this afternoon. Same symptoms.

Body Corporate manager has been notified.

descriptionSouthern External Door fails to open from the outside EmptyRe: Southern External Door fails to open from the outside

It's been found that a mechanical part has failed.

A replacement has been ordered, which will be installed when it arrives.

descriptionSouthern External Door fails to open from the outside EmptyRe: Southern External Door fails to open from the outside

Door is working as at 14-oct-2023

descriptionSouthern External Door fails to open from the outside EmptyRe: Southern External Door fails to open from the outside

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